Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Midlife crisis, part deux

After dropping our sons off at cotillion Saturday, which is another story in itself, my friend Shelley and I decided to shop at Green Hills mall in the meantime. We were ambling through Dillards, minding our own business, when this old saleslady called us out and said, "OK, all this from here all the way over to that wall is 'petites.' 'Misses' is around the corner, if that's what you're looking for."

Now, I would not be classified as "petite" by anyone's standards. But we certainly didn't look like we were about to try out for "Biggest Loser: Friends Edition." I also didn't want to engage in any more unsolicited conversation with this woman, so at the time I just did the whole, "OK, thank you. Thank you very much," routine and kept walking.

As we made our way through handbags toward the perfume section, though, I said, "I think that heifer just kicked us out of the petite department." Our outrage grew. "We were just walking through! What if I were buying something for my petite friend? Yeah! How does she know what we were doing? I can look in any department I want!"

Needless to say, we didn't stop at Christie Cookie after that.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

As it were, I decided NOT to eat the Dunkin Donut that was sitting on my counter when I got home. Isn't it sad that one comment from a Dilliard's sales person can determine our lives....Next time, let's try on the stuff in Petites just to get her reaction!

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