Monday, October 27, 2008

Are you a peeker?

"I'll say the prayer," five-year-old Owen said as my other two boys and I slid into our chairs at the kitchen table before dinner recently. He makes this announcement at every meal, even though he almost always says grace at our table because he is a very bossy boy and does not delegate unless the task requires carrying something. We always let him say grace because, well, we're hungry and we want to eat.
If my husband is home from work by dinnertime, we hold hands in a circle around the table. This is also how I tell if Henry has washed his hands. If my husband is not home in time, we individually clasp our hands in the prayer position because the circle is not complete without him and because I can't reach Owen from my seat without getting my front in my plate.
"God is great, God is good...," Owen began, and I realized as he was almost finished that I had not closed my eyes but was watching him. Yes, I am a prayer peeker. More often than not, I watch my child as he is praying, but I can't make myself feel guilty about it because there is something divine in a child's face that is exquisitely concentrating on thanking God. I nearly tumbled out of the church balcony one Sunday when I peeked over to see my preschooler saying the Lord's Prayer with the rest of the congregation. I didn't know that his father, who is in charge of bedtime, had taught it to him.
Since then, I compulsively peek during group prayers, usually right at the beginning, and I'm thinking I shouldn't do it because no one else is looking, just me. I know I'm probably breaking the eleventh commandment, but it humbles me to see friends, relatives, elders and young'uns with their own heads bowed in relationship with their Lord.
"...Let us thank Him for our food, amen. MOM!!!!"
Oops, busted!
"Owen, you're not supposed to yell at people after the prayer," Henry said.
"Yeah, but Mom was watching me! I saw her peeking," he rebutted. That's when Mason introduced Mr. Bossypants to his first conundrum.
"The only way you would know Mom was peeking is if you were peeking, too."
Can I get an amen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a real hard time keeping my eyes closed during a prayer. ESPECIALLY when the preacher says "Every head bowed, every eye closed". I can't help but peek.

My sister used to make fun of me for not praying out loud. I will now but I used to wouldn't.

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Seafood Chicken by Jill Burgin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.