Thursday, May 28, 2009

Diamonds on the soles of her shoes

I know I live in Brentwood, and there's a lot of discretionary income in this community, but I don't think I'll ever get used to the idea of folks wearing $250 sandals to the ballpark.
At our last T-ball game, the opposing bleachers looked like a cast party for Desperate Housewives, with all manner of white jeans, satin tops, spike heels and gigantic leather bags. Our side had a couple who dress like Felicity Huffman, including me, but only a few. It's not like Civitan Ballpark is THE place to be seen, and that red baseball dirt stays with you, if you know what I mean.
Yet more proof that I'm merely a junior varsity mom running in a varsity world.

Friday, May 22, 2009

One reason I'm usually a step behind

If Owen comes running into the house and says:

"Lucy just went kablooey on Catherine's GPS man!"

he means:

"The dog just barked like crazy at the UPS man next door!"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I may frame it

During a recent game of Pictionary at my parents' house, this is what Owen drew to show "angry."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Footwear, above all

Since we took our family vacation early this year, I'm offering my helpful advice on how to go from an "after" to a "before" on your summer vacation.

1) Choose shoes based on looks, not function. I was so excited when I bought my adorable Crocs Patricia sandals. (Crocs also makes wedges now! I know!!!) I stood in Macy's and proclaimed, 'These shall be my Disney sandals!' because they are comfy, somehow very lightweight yet supportive. Also, they're Crocs, so it wouldn't hurt them to get wet since we'd be riding Splash Mountain and sitting in the Soak Zone at Shamu Stadium. I hurried home to plan all my Orlando outfits around these vaunted shoes.

I did not anticipate 95 degree weather in early May or the Florida humidity. These, coupled with a 12-hour car ride and many more hours standing and walking than I am used to, caused my feet to swell and the evil Crocs sandals rubbed a nickel-sized blister on the top of my left foot. Actually, I knew by the time we walked across the concrete prairie from our truck to the Seaworld entrance on our first day that my feet were in trouble. Of course, I'd packed Band-Aids in case THE BOYS needed them, but I used at least a dozen that day.

2) You might not think a blister would affect your look. That leads me to tip #2, which is the blister walk. I had to modify my walk to compensate for that blister as much as I could, so other Seaworld visitors must have thought I was smuggling baby sea lions out between my knees as I hobbled across the park. I resisted complaining audibly and instead chided myself for thinking I could be cute at a theme park. On Day #2 at Animal Kingdom, I still refused to succumb to tennis shoes and wore my bathroom flip-flops because they didn't rub the blister spot. After only an hour in the simulated jungle, my legs were so tired that I walked like the 80-year-olds. Actually the 80-year-olds were doing great on their scooters and Hoverounds. Between the motorized old folks and the stroller brigade, we were about the only people walking!

3) Ride the wettest rides first, so your freshly sprayed hair will get soaked and form an impenetrable crust that looks wet all the livelong day.

4) Drink much more lemonade and Diet Coke than you usually do since that's what you can get in your refillable Disney mug.

5) Accidentally leave your expensive face soap at the Hampton Inn in Cordele, Georgia, so that you have to use the super fatty Mickey soap provided by Disney resorts.

6) Slather sunscreen on your face, especially if you usually don't, then try to put on blush as you normally would. Coppertone does wonders for powder makeup, making the colors more vibrant and clownlike.

7) Finally, accept the fact that no one at the theme park except your youngest children ever looks at you. They are all just trying to survive the crowds with their own family members intact. Fashion is not a consideration. If you want proof, scroll down to the photo of my boys in front of the Animal Kingdom gate, click on it and look at the crowd in the background. That's what everyone looked like. See the grown man wearing Mickey's magical wizard hat? People wore that stuff all day. I saw dads wearing rhinestone-studded, princess-themed Mickey ears that their daughters had discarded on the Peter Pan ride. NO ONE cares what you wear. By the third day I did something I would never do in Brentwood. I pulled out the only pair of capris I'd brought and wore them with my tennis shoes, which mercifully did not hit the blister. And I walked from Pirates of the Caribbean all the way to Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin with nary a limp.

8) Don't forget to pose for pictures without sucking anything in so you look pregnant. Clutch your giant lemonade as if life depended on it. Be sure to turn so that the angle showcases the fleshiest part of your arm. Ahhhh, success! I've included the above photo for demonstration purposes only. You results may vary.

How much is a dent, anyway?

Me, to the 5-year-old: "Owen, you're breaking my No. 1 fashion rule for boys. I cannot allow you to wear that black T-shirt with those navy blue shorts."

Owen: growls loudly, once he understands that he is not in actual trouble: "GAAARRRR. I like it. I like it. I WANT to wear it. I don't care about fashion one dent!"

Me, surprised by his ferocity: "Well, your dad will be happy because he doesn't care about fashion one dent either."

Monday, May 18, 2009

Photographic evidence

Feast your eyes on the back row of the vehicle. Click on it to get a good look. In this photo taken on the Dinosaur roller coaster at Disney's Animal Kingdom, my four men are being attacked by a giant T-rex (guess there's no other kind) just as they think the ride is coming to an end.

I, of course, bailed as soon as I read the sign that said it was a turbulent ride. But even 5-year-old Owen, in the green T-shirt, is more of a man than I. He actually looks more afraid than I am comfortable with. Tim and Henry both look surprised, but Mason, in the orange, just looks annoyed. He said, "I wasn't scared. It was just SO LOUD." I don't think the couple on the front right feel the same way.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

We Survived Orlando 2009!

We took the boys out of school for a few days and hit the theme parks over Mother's Day weekend. The good news is that no one threw up the entire five days! We had record-setting July heat but not July crowds, so it worked out. But 95 degrees in Orlando is a beast. When I get a chance to sit down, I'll post my Theme Park Beauty Regime guaranteed to turn you from an "after" into a "before" in ten minutes. We only had time for Seaworld, Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom, but I got to watch my boys get soaked by Shamu on Mother's Day. Good times!

We decided we might have enjoyed Disney's Hollywood Studios more than Animal Kingdom after all, but planning an adventure that is fun and doable for 12-year-olds and a 5-year-old is hard. Owen rode every ride he could board, including Splash Mountain, Kali River Rapids and the deafening Dinosaur roller coaster in Animal Kingdom. Check back for the most hilarious photo from that. It was the only time I felt compelled to hand over an extra $20 to the Disney folks. Did you know they take a photo of you as you pass the scariest part of the ride and that you can see them immediately after you jump off?! Yes, I'm sheltered, but we spent most of our visit riding rides and then running to the photo station at the end to see who made the goofiest picture.

Oh, and thanks to our most excellent strategy, we were the very first people to ride Pirates of the Caribbean on Tuesday. Yes!
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Seafood Chicken by Jill Burgin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.