Saturday, August 23, 2008

Daily Elvis: Busted!

Based on my research, the theory that you'll see or hear one Elvis reference per day has not borne true. I traveled through two days before I saw anything else Elvis. On Thursday I drove up behind a state-of-Tennessee-sanctioned Elvis license plate. You don't see too many of those in Williamson County. When I noticed that the plate benefits the Elvis Presley Memorial Trauma Center (aka The Med) in Memphis, I thought of the old Baptist Hospital near downtown. Whenever Elvis was in the hospital for whatever reason, I could always tell which room was his when we drove by because the windows of his suite were all covered in aluminum foil. I remember thinking, "You're not fooling me, Elvis. I know you're in there."

Some people who've come to this blog tell me they didn't know I was such an Elvis fan. The truth is I'm not a fan in that I only own one Elvis CD and I've never been to a candlelight vigil. For some reason I have always had this bizarre compulsion to bring him up whenever I can. Like I do with biscuits.

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