Monday, September 1, 2008

Most evil

So I thought about it all summer, and I've decided that the French pedicure must be the most evil of all beauty treatments.
It hit me as I sat in the orthodontist waiting room across from another mom who had on the standard Capri pants and sandals. Scanning down to her feet, I noticed that she had the most precise French pedicure I'd ever seen, and I tried to picture the person who did that lovely job.
My biggest problem with the French pedi, beside the fact that you are paying someone to work on your FEET, is that it requires two things I don't have a lot of: (1) a good, clear block of previously unclaimed time to just sit and let someone work on your feet, and (2) anywhere from $35 to $50 about every two weeks.
Those things and the image of a nail tech hunched over my feet in pursuit of that straight white line under my toenails make me hate the French pedi.
Or maybe I'm just jealous.

1 comment:

Steelsmitty said...

My kids all have a French Fry Pedicure which is accumulated junk under each nail both fingers and toes. Is this the same thing?

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