Friday, November 13, 2009

FarmVille turned me into a nag

Ever since my twins started playing "FarmVille" on Facebook, I've been hearing some weird conversations in the house. It all started when one of their friends, of course, told them about the simulation game where you start with a bare square of green and plant crops, tend animals, and try to earn enough coins to build a house and there's something about fruit trees and I don't know what all.
What I DO know is that ever since they started FarmVille, we've regressed to a lot of the old computer-related conversations we used to have - mainly, how much they're over their time limit. Apparently life in FarmVille is as fraught with anxiety as real farming, because last week when they were going to be gone overnight, Mason was fretting about when some plant was going to be harvested because if he didn't get to it within the time limit, he wouldn't get any coins and all his hard work would be for nought!
The other day I was working at my desk when I heard Henry calling his brother to shoot hoops in the driveway. Mason said, "Let me harvest my soybeans first!"
That's something I never thought I'd hear in my house.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

At least it's not Mafia Wars!

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