I finally thought of a New Year's resolution I think I can keep. Whenever someone takes my picture this year, I'm gonna pose with abandon the way my grandfather and great-uncle are doing here. I don't think this was even a particularly special occasion, just a random day when they looked good in their Ricky Ricardo-style trousers and they knew it.
In fact, while going through tons of family pictures for genealogy research, I noticed that folks on both sides of my family loved to strike a pose when the camera turned their way. I'll have to post at least one picture of my grandmother and great aunt, who always looked ready to dance and usually had one elbow cocked out or at least one hand on a hip. I'll follow their lead instead of marking my presence on earth as a floating head, trying to hide behind my sons.
Getting your picture made was a rarer occurrence then. Boy, did they know how to celebrate it.
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